“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
—Steve Martin
Branding is the most integral cog in the engine of your business story.
When you tell that story, you want people’s eyebrows to raise before they slowly lean forward to hear more.
That is storytelling. hopper(vision) excels at storytelling. It involves a lot of research, creativity, brainstorming and problem-solving. And when it’s done right, it delivers results.
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“Design is so simple. That’s why it’s so complicated.”
—Paul Rand
Well-executed design separates those you may have heard about, from the ones you can’t forget.
The principals at hopper(vision) feast on good design and have been doing so for more than a combined half century.
We understand how good design can benefit your business and how bad design works against successful communication.
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“Everything is copy.”
—Norah Ephron
Pure communication is most effectively represented with words.
There are many business owners who know their ideas are groundbreaking, but they might not be able to put those ideas into words.
hopper(vision) tells your story, relates to your consumers and delivers cognitive and actionable messages that draw in potential clients to learn more about who you are and why they should know you.
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